삼방회로: 퍼포먼스 인터뷰, 여인영 (영상: 최종욱, 성의석, 펠릭스 나이베그/ 사운드: 이은택/ 퍼포먼스: 유재인, 수짓 쿠마르 말릭, 그레타 그란데라트), 설치, 가변크기 서울도시건축비엔날레 2017, 서울 한국
a three-way dialogue: a performance interview, InYoung Yeo (video: Jongwook Choi, Eui Seok Seong, Felix Nybergh/ Sound: Taek/ Performance: Jane Yoo, Sujit Kumar Mallik, Greta Granderath) installation, dimensions variable, Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism 2017, Seoul Korea
(Photo: Felix Nybergh)
a three-way dialogue starts with an artistic approach to researching contemporary communities within the concurrent realm of gentrification or 'regeneration' in Seoul. In an attempt to 'subject-ify' and multiply the narratives of the people within, the project begins with a series of performance interviews in five communities in Seoul, Hamburg and Bhubaneswar. Selecting the three cities is an attempt to find parallels in their different scale, speed and population constantly moving and changing. Each city echoes each other's past, present and future. Hence the interviews are based on nine questions of the past, present and future of the timely, spatial and emotional aspects of transition.
With this basis, 'a three-way dialogue' expands into a three-part project: including a series of exhibitions presenting the performance interviews and community based visual artworks; a live performance of the performance artists and an installation of an architect collective; and finally a talk with all participants of the project from three cities.
@동대문 디자인 플라자(DDP) Dongdaemun Design Plaza, Seoul Korea
@동대문 디자인 플라자(DDP) Dongdaemun Design Plaza, Seoul Korea
@스페이스원 Space One, Seoul Korea
@스페이스원 Space One, Seoul Korea
@스페이스원 Space One, Seoul Korea
@세운상가 Sewoon Plaza Seoul Korea
삼방회로: 순환하는 반복 / a three-way dialogue: a cycling loop
퍼포먼스 Performance: 유재인, 수짓 쿠마르 말릭, 그레타 그란데라트/ Jane Yoo, Sujit Kumar Mallik, Greta Granderath
자전거 퍼포먼스 Bike Performance: 바이크 파티 서울 / 빈센트 템바 립트롯/ Bike Party Seoul / Vincent Themba Liptrot
설치 Installation: 틸 월퍼/N55 Till Wolfer/N55 “Co-”
Architecture collective, N55/Till Wolfer; three performance artists, SujitKumar Mallik (India), Jane Yoo (Korea) and Greta Granderath (Germany) and a local bicycle community, Bike Party Seoul; together create temporary micro-communities in private and public spaces in Seoul.
Creating a geographical loop, the journey starts in a public space in a fifty year old market space in 'Haebangchon' to the public streets to a private parking lot of Goethe Institute and back to the public streets of Seoul to reach Dongdaemun Design Plaza returning back to the starting point, the market space and Space One.
N55/Till Wolfer's temporary inflatable structure creates an adaptable and open space. Three performance artists base their interactive and dialogical performances with the viewers on the interviews conducted in each of their communities in collaboration with InYoung Yeo. Bike Party Seoul joins to create a moving viewpoint and map the geographical loop. Together in disconnected dialogues, they create temporary micro-communities instantaneously and constantly moving and changing.
Performance I: I start a dialogue of a market place that once was a very busy central public place of gathering.
Performance II: I start a dialogue walking on the streets that will one day become a private commodity.
Performance III: I start a dialogue connecting fractured words.